Quiz Advanced
How much does a Blue Whale weigh?
The Blue Whale is the largest animal that lives on this planet and is on average about 25 meters long and weighs about a 100 tons. He appears in oceans around the globe. It is a 'pelagic species' that lives on the open sea. It is known that most species of the Blue Whale travel thousands of miles from the food areas around the poles to the nutritious areas around the equator. Like all whales, the Blue Whale is a predator. Despite the huge body, the whale feeds almost exclusively from small crustaceans that are not more than ten centimeters long. The adult specimens are so large that they do not have natural enemies. However, man has hunted the finfish on the scale of the flesh and fat since the end of the 19th century. In 1966 the hunt for the blue whales was forbidden. There was then less than 1 percent of the original population left. Currently, there are only 25,000 Blue Whales left worldwide.
How many liters of sea water do you have to evaporate to gain one canister of salt?
In one liter of seawater you can find an average of 35 grams of salt. The North Sea contains 31 grams per liter on the coast of Belgium to Denmark and at Scotland you find 35 grams per liter. You'll need about 3 liters of sea water in order to get a 100 grams of salt.
What are the separate bones you find at the skeleton at our entrance hall?
These two bones are the remnants of what ever was left among the ancestors of the whales. Now it does not seem to be important for the movement of the whale. In the male animals, the muscle of the penis is still connected.
How many liters of water do all the oceans together contain?

How does one call the study of fish?
Ichtyology is the study of fish, entomology the study of insects and ornithology studies birds.
How long can a Sperm Whale stay under water?
A sperm whale has 3,000 kg of blood, in which sufficient oxygen can be stored to stay under the water for up to two hours.
What is so special about a Flatfish?
In many species, both eyes lie on one side of the head, one or the other migrating through or around the head during development over the first few weeks. The flatfish are born as a 'normal' (round)fish.
When a lobster ages ...
The shredding of a lobster usually lasts no longer than 15 minutes. The animal crawls through his tight armor behind his head. If the shredding has gone well, the armor is still completely intact.
How many species of coral are found all over the world?
There are 4,500 species of coral around the world. Coral is a cavity animal and consists of animals of only a few millimeters each, which, with their tentacles, resemble a sea anemone. These animals, also called polyps, often live in colonies.
You got stung by a Stonefish... What should you do?
The poison of a Stonefish is rich in protein. By combating the poison with heat, it firms the protein. This will prevent the poison from entering into your bloodstream. Without treatment within an hour, a sting of a Stonefish can be deadly. The Stonefish sprays its poison via the spine on his back: these spines can even get through a shoe sole.
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